
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

DIY air freshener and Freshen up those stinky dish towels!

I just realized I had not blogged in a while....I think it was due to the four day weekend my husband just had at work. We decided to relax and do things around the house. Somehow the relaxing part never happened. I spent the weekend DIYing and nursing around the clock because my son was having a growth spurt. A few of the things I'm going to share this week are: Homemade oatmeal mix, DIY liquid dishwasher detergent, Homemade baby carrots, DIY air freshener, Homemade jam, and how to get that weird smell out of your dish towels.

TODAY is: DIY air freshener and the dish towels.

Air freshener: So easy you're going to cry about how much money you've wasted on any type of air freshener.

SO why did I make this?
The outside before the air freshener
Well...I have this bathroom.
That I clean regularly (maybe 2 to 3 times a week)
And it STILL smells dusty (not the worst smell, but still annoying)
Yes I tried dusting it
And cleaning the walls.......
But the smell was STILL there.

Why didn't I buy air freshener?


I hate the fake, over-concentrated smell they give off
I don't want the chemicals near my baby
I have allergies
I didn't want to spend the money (yes, I'm cheap when it comes to certain things)

Then I saw this blog.....and I knew I could replicate it and pretty it up some

What you need:
Container or small mason jar
Baking Soda
Essential oil (I used orange. It was $3.99 at the local health food store)
A lid and something to use to poke holes in it
Tulle (your color choice)

Step 1: Take your jar, wrap the tulle around it, and tie with twine.

Step 2: Pour your baking soda and essential oil into it.
Baking soda amount: 1/4 of your container
*Essential oil: 6 drops

Step 3: Put lid on it and poke holes (I used a nail and hammer)

Step 4: Put it where you want it!
The dusty bathroom

Cost breakdown:
Baking soda: You probably already have this
Essential oil: initial cost $3.99 to $4.99 (but you only use 6 drops so probably 20 cents)
Tulle: 77 cents on sale
Twine: $3.99 (you use a tiny bit so maybe 20 cents worth)
Total: $1.14

It lasts for a long time. When the scent starts to settle, just give it a little shake and that will release more scent.

Ok, second thing: Stinky dish towels
Ever get that weird, moldy smell in your dish towels when they get wet?
Usually this indicates they're getting old and need to be thrown out. Well mine started getting this smell after 3 months and were not even close to being old!
So how to remove the smell:
1. Wash all the towels in hot water
2. Add 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup vinegar to the machine depending on size of load
3. Add 5-7 drops tea tree oil (this is an antibacterial and disinfectant so it takes the smell away)

Viola! Smell is gone and you can keep your dish towels!


  1. These are awesome!! Way to go. I didn't realize you were still nursing Mason! I made it to six months, then had to start supplementing. It's hard with working out, right?!

  2. I'm still going strong! Hoping to nurse him until he's a year old. I think the hardest was the first six months when I was working, but now that he doesn't eat as often it's not too bad!
