
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Workout 2: Missed a couple of days....oops

So what do you do when real life gets in the way of your workouts? Well I don't know what you do, but I usually just counteract them by eating less. Tuesday I didn't workout because of a massive headache that would NOT go away. After Tuesday, I was determined to workout on Wednesday, but once again life stepped in the way. I woke up early to workout while my son was sleeping and then he decided to wake up early too! Then I was just going to feed him and workout while he was awake, but then the hubsters called and said he locked his keys in the truck....soooooo that meant driving to the other side of the post to bring the keys to him. Then I had to get ready and go to the new commissaries grand opening (which was FABULOUS to say the least), spent forever there in the lines, come home and unpack, feed the munchkin, put him down, do online tutoring, cook dinner, and get ready for my night of tutoring. By the time I got home at 9:15, I was too tired to even clean my kitchen I just headed straight upstairs for the bed. So workout on Wednesday? Absolutely not, I would have almost rather worked out on Tuesday and just powered through the headache!
Hiking...with all that extra weight; always glad when I can take it off!

I did not however let these past two days ruin my workout today.
Here goes nothing:
I hiked 4.62 miles in the mountains packing an extra 26 pounds (baby + carrier, water, etc).
I BURNED 618 calories while hiking...whoop!
And kept my eating under control...even when my husband made his delicious homemade pizza for dinner. I had two half slices (really 1 whole slice) and a salad.

So bring it on tomorrow! I think I will go swimming.

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