
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Money: Get in my Wallet!

If you've seen the Austin Powers' movies, you probably know the "Get in my belly" reference. In this case I want my money to get back in my wallet or preferably stay there. Here are a few money saving tips to help your money get back in your wallet.

mop bucket
Tip # 1: I know, I're wondering, "What is this a picture of? A mop bucket? And how can that save me money?"  I know it seems odd, but it most definitely can save you money! I have to give the credit to my mom because she clued me in to this money saving tip. If you have a mop bucket (or any clean bucket really) laying around your house, start putting it to good use! Everyone has to warm up the shower before they get in, right? Well, while your water is warming, put the bucket under the stream and let it collect the clean water. Set it outside the shower while you wash up. After you have toweled off, pour the extra water into your washing machine (this may only work if you have a top loader...not sure if front loaders can hold water in them when they are not washing). After a couple of showers, you will have almost an entire loads worth of water. I actually didn't think this was worthwhile until I started doing it and seeing how much water I actually saved. Try it! You'll be amazed!
FYI: This also helps with water waste in drought-prone areas of the country and is a great way to teach kids about recycling and conservation. So if you can't put the water in your washing machine you can always water indoor and outdoor plants, save it for your garden, or to water your compost pile.

Tip # 2: You may have already seen this on my Facebook, but making your own laundry detergent is a great way to save money. It cleans just as well as other detergents, works great for sensitive skin (I have SUPER sensitive skin), and it does not create build up. You can find the recipe for it by clicking on the word detergent. I did not add the Oxyclean to my detergent and it still cleans just as well. For easy mixing, I put everything in a 5 gallon orange bucket from Home Depot ($5 for the bucket and lid together) and rolled it on the floor to mix it together. Add a scoop (1 tbl) and voila! you will only spend about $16 for 9 months to 1 year worth of laundry.

Tip #3: When mopping, instead of buying Mop N' Glo or any other expensive marketed cleaning agent for mopping floors, just combine Dawn dish soap and white vinegar. If your floors have a lot of extra grime, pour in a dash of ammonia and your floors will be glowing!

Tip # 4: This is not a cleaning tip and may seem very random, but it will save you money and it's good for you! When trying to think of dinner ideas, try to use hearty vegetables that can take the place of a carbohydrate (like rice, bread, pasta, potatoes, etc). These veggies taste great, are very nutritious, and keep you fuller longer. Try substituting spaghetti squash in place of pasta, butternut squash in place of potatoes/ rice, or sweet potatoes in place of white potatoes.  This saves you money because you do not have to cook a starch (therefore buying less of these) and a veggie every night! Just cook a hearty veggie in place of that starch. Watch your waste shrink and a little extra cash stay in your wallet!
Recipe for cooking fabulous, honey-glazed butternut squash:

1 butternut squash (size based on how many people your feeding, but I would say go with a bigger one as opposed to a smaller one because it tastes so good!)
Honey for drizzling
EVOO for drizzling

Preheat oven to 350. Peel butternut squash using a potato peeler. Then chop butternut squash into small potato like size pieces (roasting potatoes). Easy way to chop it is to chop between the skinny neck and the butt. The cut each piece in half, then in 3rds and then cut perpendicular to form bite-sized pieces. Place squash on cookie sheet. Drizzle with EVOO. Shake salt and pepper on it. This you just eyeball based on your preference. I prefer less salt so I only put a little, but I love pepper so I put extra pepper. Then squirt on the honey (you can use maple syrup in place of). I would say atleast a tablespoon of honey if not a little more. Stir everything around on the pan until well coated. Pop in the oven and cook for 45 mins. Serve! This will taste amazing and is healthy for you. In a few days I will post a good recipe for spaghetti squash and sweet potatoes. Enjoy!

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