
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Homemade Honey Lemon Body Scrub

Hmm....after I put the title, I decided that I am no longer going to put homemade in my titles because if you read it on my blog most likely it's GOING to be homemade!  This recipe was requested on my facebook right before Christmas and I am soooo sorry for taking so long to post it but things have been hectic around here. I finally decided to just take a break, put on the Backyardigans for my little monkey and get to blogging this recipe for everyone.

This recipe makes the most delicious smelling and feeling body scrub you can imagine. Plus it's all natural and pretty simple/ cheap to make.

My recipe made 2 pint size mason jars and 1 of the short, squatty mason jars. These make great gifts or just to keep for yourself!

Step 1: Decide what oil you want to use! I've used coconut oil and grapeseed oil. The great thing about coconut oil is that it is solid at room temperature which means it won't separate and require mixing every time you use it. Other oils work just as well, but you must mix your scrub first before using it because it will separate.

Step 2: Decide what you want to put in it. I used coconut oil, table sugar, kosher salt, honey, and lemon oil.

Step 3: Whatever you use just be sure to use a 1 part oil to 2 parts sugar/ salt ratio.

For my 3 jars I used:

1 cup coconut oil
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 kosher salt
3-5 drops lemon oil or to the scent you want
1 tbsp of honey or until you reach the scent you want (no more than 3!)

Depending on what you want your scrub to do for your skin, you can add-in or take out what you want.

Baking soda: great for break-outs/ shrinking pores
Honey: antibacterial for breakouts/ helps heal stretch marks and scars
Coconut oil: helps heal stretch marks/ scars
Other oils: avocado, olive, grapeseed, etc help your body replenish it's natural oils that get stripped off your skin during showers. The hotter your shower is the more oil gets stripped from your skin causing your skin to produce an excess of oil resulting in breakouts.
Eucalyptus  oil: anti-bacterial/ anti-fungal; also great for break-outs

Only use enough kosher salt as your skin can tolerate. Because kosher (sea salt works also) salt is larger pieces it is more abrasive and can easily scratch or tear skin.
Just be careful when you're mixing different ingredients to check the smell before and after each addition!

Next, if you're a dork like me, add cute labels and twine and gift to others!

Use 1 scoop in your hand at a time per body area! Enjoy!

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