
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Steak Lettuce Wraps w/ Melon Salsa and Parmesan Green Beans

Last night I wanted to cook something healthy and carbohydrate free (Hubby and I are trying to eat carb-free every other day). I pulled up my favorite recipes board on Pinterest and found this fabulous recipe for steak lettuce wraps. I looked through my pantry and since I had most of the ingredients I decided to cook the steak and improvise the rest. Since I'm an aspiring cook, my improvisations do not always come out so well, but this one came out deliciously!
Steak Lettuce Wraps w/ Melon Salsa and Parmesan Green Beans

Everything you need for the steak:
Steak (enough for how many your feeding) of your choice (I used a filet and New York strip because that's what I had in my freezer)
Green leaf lettuce (I used this because it's cheaper than Bibb lettuce and I like it!)
2 tbl olive oil
2 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp coriander
1 tsp ginger
1/4 to 1/2 cup (depending on size of steak) red wine vinegar or red wine 

Everything you need for the Melon Salsa:
1 cup honey dew melon chopped
1/2 jalapeno diced
1/2 cucumber ( I didn't use this because I was out)*
1/2 red onion chopped
Dash of salt
Juice of 1 lime
Splash of rice vinegar

*If you are out of cucumbers like I was you can always swap this out for another fruit or veggie that is crunchy and easily takes on flavoring like: strawberries, cantaloupe, mango, kiwi, or zucchini. Just experiment and have fun with it!

Everything you need for the Green Beans:
Green Beans (based on how many you're feeding)
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 a garlic clove
Olive oil drizzle
Grated Parmesan

Everything you need to do:
Tip your green beans and place them on a baking sheet. Then drizzle them with olive oil, add the salt, pepper, garlic, and then set them aside. Place your steaks in a Ziploc and add all of the seasonings, olive oil, and red wine vinegar. Let them marinate for 15-20 minutes. Next assemble the melon salsa and allow to marinate for 15 minutes also. Your oven should be preheated by now. Pop the green beans in and allow them to cook for 10-15 mins. Begin searing steaks in non-stick pan. Cook until desired doneness is reached and then place them on a plate to rest for 5 minutes. While steaks are resting, remove green beans from oven and place them in the steak pan. Cook them for another 5 to 7 minutes on medium high heat. While the green beans are cooking, slice the steak into strips. Place two lettuce leaves onto each plate and put as many steak strips on top as you want. Remember that you are going to eat them like a wrap though so if they're overloaded they will fall apart. Take your melon salsa and put on top of steak strips. Next take your green beans from the pan, put them on your plate, and sprinkle with grated Parmesan. Enjoy your carb-free, deliciously healthy dinner!
Green beans cooking in the steak juice

Steaks resting

Melon salsa minus the cucumber because I was out!

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