
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Stubborn baby fat? Go away!!

Today's blog is going to be short and sweet because my angel face, Little M, is sleeping peacefully and this is the only time I get to workout uninterrupted. For some reason, I have this little pudge on the bottom half of my belly that I cannot get rid of and it's driving me insane (this may be because I'm nursing but not an excuse for me)! I'm below my pre-baby weight, but am not as toned as I would like and definitely do not have the stomach I would like. So you ask, "What are you going to do about it?" And I reply with, "BODYROCK!" Free 12 minute workouts with all the modifications you need for any fitness level. This is one of the best websites I have stumbled upon. I have determined from now on that I will: eat healthy (I'll have a cheat day every now and again), bodyrock everyday, include an extra ab or butt workout on top of it, and I will get rid of this stubborn under-the-belly, baby fat that is hanging on. I will have these abs:

What you need to be armed with to do the same:
The Bodyrock website
Healthy eating habits...know what fruits, vegetables, and complex carbs work for your body and not against it
 These are vegetables, but don't forget about oatmeal, oatbran, whole grain bread, sweet potatoes, and squash. Those are all healthy, yummy carbs to eat.
under the belly fat ab workouts

Here's a few more inspirational photos for you:
Now go conquer your goals!!!


  1. Love this post!! GET IT!! :)I'm right there with ya, under my pre-pregnancy weight but totally need about 3 lbs of lean muscle on me. How often are you running? I think I might have to do bodyrock every other day because I have gotten so sore. Lol. Is that an excuse? Crap.

    1. Thanks! I don't get to run as often as I would like because the weather here is sooooo unpredictable! One day it's snowing, icing, or raining, and then on the days that it's warm enough to run the wind is so horrendous I can't take the munchkin out in it. I've decided on the days I can't fit running in as my cardio I might try 2 body rock videos. We'll see lol. Because that might not happen. You are looking great!
